Where African stories grow from potential to purpose.

Story Oasis is a
100% black &
female owned
business based
in Johannesburg.
Story Oasis is a 100% black and female owned business based in Johannesburg.
Cultivating world-class African content for optimal market success is our ethos, service of producers our mantra, our goal being to craft the stories of screenwriters and content creators to turn paper to profit.
What We Do
We create a collaborative space between stakeholders, creatives, writers and producers who are in the pursuit of curating authentic African stories for the world, suitable for various platforms from theatrical release, television, eVOD, streaming platforms and web based content.
Our expert consultants are stalwarts of the South African film and television industry who are passionate about storytelling and the desire to see it succeed in the world. We approach every project with care, professionalism and dedication, ensuring that every single script is given the best chance it can get at success. Led by Tracey-Lee Rainers (Story Development Executive) and Andrina Moodley (Operations Director and Producer), Story Oasis is set to become Africa’s finest story consultancy on the continent.
Story Oasis is a
100% black &
female owned
business based
in Johannesburg.
From Paper
to Profit,
here’s how.
storytelling and are committed to
nurturing and guiding young talent into
greatness with a series of dedicated
mentorship and masterclass programmes.
Service Offering
Dedicated writing mentors
Constructive feedback and
guidance in crafting story
Training curriculum that covers character,
theme, plot, structure and audience
Masterclasses in dedicated areas
of the screenwriting process
Running online and in person
story training and masterclasses

The story specialist
Tracey-Lee Rainers is a development executive and story development practitioner with 16 years film and TV experience. Her works can be seen on various platforms including Netflix Africa and Showmax.
Tracey-Lee works with Film Funds, SVODS and Distributors worldwide and works with writers and story practitioners from across the continent.
Africa, this is our time. This is our platform, our network and our stories. This online portal is an empowering tool for you, creating the networks and services that will enable you to reach your next level – as a talented creative and for your story. STORYTELLING is our legacy.
Onward, Forward, The Future is Connecting. Let’s keep writing our stories.
Tracey-Lee Rainers Head Story Executive
More recently the Founders of Story Oasis completed a digital incubation hub programme
run by the Tshimologong digital innovation Precinct, sponsored by JP Morgan.
Gauteng Film Commission – Story Oasis Created and facilitated a
3 month online development hub mentoring filmmakers and shaping their stories.
Kwazulu Natal Film Commissions, FITI Programme –
Mentored graduates and co-developed films from the Kwazulu Natal Province.
National Film and Video Foundations, Story Development Trajectory Training Online Hub –
Mentored and Upskilled 12 writers and story editors in 2021 and 2023. This programme received
a special mention to the Presidential office for the exemplary way it was managed and for job creation.
National Film and Video’s Flagship Programme, the Female Filmmaker slate –
Mentored 30 female filmmakers. Collaborated as Story Developer and Head Mentor on 30 short films.
Many awards won since 2018
Durban Film Mart Mentorship at the Durban International Film Festival –
Mentored filmmakers from across the continent. Developed feature films and episodic since 2012.
And that’s
the story,
now get
the gold.
We’d love to hear from you
Email us to request our rate card